CV joints and boot kits
The reliability and strength of the WINKOD CV joints have been confirmed by numerous tests. The CV joints were designed to exceed the requirements of car manufacturers to guarantee the best performance in difficult road conditions with large temperature differences.
- High-strength low alloy steel is used to produce WINKOD CV joints, a material that provides extreme durability of friction parts. To improve the strength we use an extended heat treatment cycle which includes long-term carbon saturation of the part surface at high temperature as well as bulk oil hardening with tempering for hardness. These measures significantly increase the service life of the part and its resistance to shock loads.
- Специальная смазка с добавлением дисульфида молибдена гарантирует наилучшие адгезионные свойства: способность смазки образовывать плёнку на поверхности металла, защищая всю конструкцию от образования коррозии и обеспечивая хорошие противозадирные и противоизносные характеристики, а также предотвращать образование вибрации и шума в сложных для работы узла условиях. Смазка выдерживает экстремально низкие и высокие температуры.
- WINKOD boot kits are made of chloroprene. Compared to other commonly used materials, chloroprene provides better tightness and protection of the lubricant. It protects well the unit from environmental influence and oxidation. WINKOD boot kits have high chemical strength and are resistant to mechanical stress and wear.
- The components have successfully passed a full range of tests in operating temperatures ranging from -40 to 150 °C.